The last frost was February 11th!
We are in the process of moving things so my container garden is a work in progress. I grew up with a garden full of tomatoes, zucchini, corn, Brussels sprouts, etc... It's hard work keeping up a garden, but it also benefits children immensely. It encourages and enables healthy connections and fosters a love of learning about our environment. From garden to plate is always the best!

Heirloom Tomatoes
By their very nature, an heirloom variety is not an unstable hybrid, it is open-pollinated, and should, with a little care, breed true to type from year to year.

These are Mia's strawberries
So I have been reading this book to get some ideas on gardening projects with my kindergarten class. It has also been super helpful with gardening at home with my daughter as well.

I don't know why the thought of saving seeds never entered my mind before, but what a brilliant idea it is. Obviously not an original idea but I think in a time where we go go go it just seems faster to buy a pack of seeds or a seedling. This book has instructions on how to properly save seeds (another thing I really didn't know is that there is a proper process to this)

This was an awesome spaghetti squash that I had bought from the farmers market! We enjoyed this roasted with some TJ's marinara sauce on top and some fresh grated Parmesan reggiano. I cant wait to enjoy it again.